Your Trusted Partner in Software Development

We are VodinIT,


We build beautiful and scalable web and mobile applications.


IT Consultancy

We believe brand interaction is key to communication. Real innovations and positive customer experience are the heart of success.

Web Development

We believe brand interaction is key to communication. Real innovations and positive customer experience are the heart of success.

App Development

We believe brand interaction is key to communication. Real innovations and positive customer experience are the heart of success.

Digital Marketing

We believe brand interaction is key to communication. Real innovations and positive customer experience are the heart of success.

Great Things In Business Are Never Done By One Person.

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    Preparation Stage – Product Discovery

    Based on immersion on clients business and analysis of all components we’re preparing a full SRS document for your product.

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    Help bridge the gap in communication and build a productive dialogue to reach a consensus regarding what the whole process will be.

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    Testing & Bug Fixing

    Agility is the name of the game. Our scrum-based Agile development methodology ensures frequent builds and gives you plenty of time to test and adjust. While our experienced Quality Assurance (QA) team will identify and manage testing.

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    We have QA testing as a separate stage of the process and that’s why we’re providing top-notch mobile products.

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    Support (∞)

    Develop applications that fully meet market requirements. When the application is fully ready, we publish it on Google Play and App Store and take on any questions that may arise during its publication.


Helping you building high-performing software solutions.


1 Tayeb Labssir St, APT 26, Agdal, Rabat, Morocco

© 2024. All rights reserved.
