Naked knowledge

Naked Knowledge is a productivity platform and knowledge network that enables you to simplify your life and achieve your goals. Users can focus on and track the actionable knowledge that they gain throughout their life on topics they care about and learn from their social connections. They could also add any other organization, like hierarchical outlining.

Customer Idea

Since so much knowledge is now digital, people need to catch up on too much information, they spend so much of their time acquiring knowledge from various sources. Naked Knowledge was created as an easy and effective system for capturing and recording learning. The process is fast and easy, it takes minimal effort to capture and maintain. The client is from the US and wanted our team to create a mobile application that assembles all the personal knowledge basein one place.The application is not yet launched, but we got a positive intermediate review from the client, and he is satisfied with the result.

Development process

The development process started as soon as we allocated a team of developers and designers with relevant experience.

  • UI/UX design

We followed the color palette of the brand, illustrating the brand idea and mission and offering an immersive yet simple user experience since the critical idea behind Naked Knowledge was to make it easier for users to access and manage their learning.

Our UX/UI design aimed to provide a simple and easy-to-follow design to ensure all users can use it without going the extra mile with every feature. Once opened, users can quickly get through a sign-in part with only relevant information and understandable steps required. The design contains simple UI elements and is easy to understand for extra convenience and smooth navigation. It supports a good user experience, embodies the brand's values, and builds an emotional connection with them. In terms of the UX design, our team was responsible for content efficiency, including easy manipulation, simple steps, and clear navigation. We also ensured users would be satisfied with the value, and performance provided by the application.

  • Style guide

Typography: Open Sans
Color palette:







Technology stack

We crafted a team of developers with specific skills, knowledge, and relevant backgrounds to make sure the final product meets all requirements of the client. Naked Knowledge is designed for Android and iOS platforms. So we worked with Flutter, a hybrid technology that builds both iOS and Android applications.

Project management process

To manage this project we used the approach of agile methodology in software development, which helps to provide a flexible, collaborative, and efficient process that results in high-quality products meeting the needs of our client. We prioritize customer satisfaction, rapid delivery, and ongoing improvement. This approach allows us to work closely with our clients and adjust to changing requirements throughout the development process. It enables us to quickly respond to feedback and make improvements as needed, ensuring that the end

This approach allows us to work closely with our clients and adjust to changing requirements throughout the development process. It enables us to quickly respond to feedback and make improvements as needed, ensuring that the end product meets the specific exigencies of our clients.

The Agile methodology is a proven process that has helped us constantly to deliver successful software projects and is a key aspect of our approach to software development.

The VodinIT development team was able to break down the Naked Knowledge project into smaller, manageable sprints. A sprint is a short, focused period (typically 1-4 weeks) during which our team works on a set of specific deliverables (including writing code, designing user interfaces, and conducting testing). At the end of each sprint, the team demonstrates the work that has been completed and receives feedback from the client. This helps us to continuously improve our processes and increase efficiency. It also aids us to deliver valuable functionality applications to our clients that met their specific needs.


Helping you building high-performing software solutions.


1 Tayeb Labssir St, APT 26, Agdal, Rabat, Morocco

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